"This website is intended to disseminate and promote the works and publications that have contributed to the development of ichthyology in our country. Its contents include the biographical sketches and background of those who were and are part of this rich history, as well as diverse documents related to the study of continental and marine environments. Furthermore, and taking into account the strong social component of our discipline, we also try to preserve other relevant components beyond the strictly scientific and academic issues."


Hugo L. López

Diego O. Nadalin

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Colección Ictiólogos de la Argentina

Colección Ictiólogos de la Argentina
Eduardo L. Holmberg (1852-1937), considerado el primer ictiólogo nativo de la Argentina

Artículos de divulgación

Artículos de divulgación

Listas Bibliográficas

Listas Bibliográficas